I am content with whatever entertainment I meet with, and my companions are always in good humour. … This must be the spirit of all who take journeys with me. If a dinner ill-dressed, or hard bed, a poor room, a shower of rain, or a dusty road will put them out of humour, it lays a burden upon me greater than all the rest put together. By the grace of God I never fret, I repine at nothing. I am discontented with nothing. And to hear persons at my ear fretting and murmuring at everything is like tearing the flesh off my bones.
to Ebenezer Blackwell, 1755
We are really a company of poor gentlemen! But we have food and raiment and content.
to Christopher Hopper, 1774
It will be given you without money and without price; you know not how soon.
to Mr. Orchard, 1783