Here were thousands upon thousands, abundantly more than any Church could contain; and numbers among them who never went to any Church or place of worship at all. More and more of them were cut to the heart, and came to me all in tears, enquiring with the utmost eagerness what they must do to be saved. I said: “If all of you will meet me on Thursday evening, I will advise you as well as I can.” The first evening about twenty persons came; the next week thirty or forty. When they were increased to about a hundred, I took down their names and places of abode, intending, as often as it was convenient, to call upon them at their own houses. Thus, without any previous plan or design, began the Methodist Society in England.
Sermon at the Foundation of the City Road Chapel
There is but one thing to do, let us live and die unto Him that died for us.
Letter, 3rd March, 1776