Why have you not set on foot a weekly subscription in order to lessen your debt? Have neither the preachers nor the people any spirit? Who begins? I will give two shillings and sixpence a week (for a year), if all of you together will make up twenty shillings.
to William Mears, 1790
Mr. Churchey is an honest attorney! Therefore he is poor, and has eight children. Give me a guinea for him, for his own sake, for God’s sake, and for the sake of John Wesley.
Proposals for Printing by Subscription Walter Churchey’s Poems, 1789
If the people were more alive to God, they would be more liberal. There is money enough, and particularly in Somersetshire.
to John Mason, 1784
If you need no book but the Bible, you are not above St. Paul. He wanted others too.
Large Minutes, 1770, Q.32