Look up, and expect him that is mighty to save.
Letter, 18th November, 1780
A string of opinions is no more Christian faith than a string of beads is Christian holiness. It is not an assent to any opinion or any number of opinions. A man may assent to three or three-and-twenty creeds, he may assent to all the Old and New Testament (at least, as far as he understands them), and yet have no Christian faith at all. The faith by which the promise is attained is represented by Christianity as a power, wrought by the Almighty in an immortal spirit inhabiting a house of clay, to see into the world of spirits. … To believe (in the Christian sense) is to walk in the light of eternity. … Does not every thinking man want a window, not so much in his neighbour’s as in his own breast? He wants an opening there of whatever kind, that might let in light from eternity.
to Dr. Middleton, 1748-1749