Is there no man that careth for these souls? Doubtless there are some who ought to do so. But many of these, if I am rightly informed, receive large pay and just do nothing.
I would to God it were in my power in any degree to supply their lack of service. I am ready to do what in me lies to call these poor sinners to repentance, once or twice a day (while I remain in these parts), at any hour or at any place. And I desire no pay at all for doing this, unless what my Lord shall give me at His appearing …
If it were objected that I should only fill their heads with peculiar whims and notions, that might easily be known. Only let the officers hear with their own ears; and they may judge whether I do not preach the plain principles of manly, rational religion.
to the Mayor of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, 1745