Go on to universal self-denial, to temperance in all things, to a firm resolution of taking up daily every cross whereto you are called.
Works, vii. 75
If one wheel in a machine gets out of its place, what disorder must ensue! In the Methodist discipline the wheels regularly stand thus: the assistant*, the preachers, the stewards, the leaders, the people.
But here the leaders, who are the lowest wheel but one, were got quite out of their place. They were got at the top of all, above the stewards, the preachers, and above the assistant himself.
To this chiefly I impute the gradual decay of the work of God in Dublin…. But it may be effectually remedied now…. For the time to come, let each wheel keep its own place. Let the assistant, the preachers, the stewards, the leaders, know and execute their several offices. Let none encroach upon another.
Journal, 3rd April, 1771
(* -- the superintendent)