One cannot but observe throughout the whole story of Adam and Eve, the inexpressible tenderness and lenity of the almighty Creator from whom they had revolted: “And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him: ‘Where art thou?’” Thus graciously calling him to return, who would otherwise have eternally fled from God.
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“The woman was deceived”, says the Apostle. She believed a lie; she gave more credit to the word of the devil than to the word of God. And unbelief brought forth actual sin.
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Behold then both the justice and mercy of God! His justice in punishing sin. … And His mercy in providing a universal remedy for a universal evil! … That as in Adam all died, so in Christ all might be made alive.
The Fall of Man
It is enough that Christ is yours: and He is wiser and stronger than all the powers of hell. Hang upon Him, and you are safe: lean on Him with the whole weight of your soul.
Works, xii. 371; Letter, 13th July, 1768