I long to have you more and more deeply penetrated by humble, gentle, patient love.
Letter, 25th October, 1772
Be merciful after your power; give as God enables you. If you are not in pressing want, give something, and you will be no poorer for it. Grudge not, fear not; lend unto the Lord, and He will surely repay. If you earn but three shillings a week and give a penny out of it, you will never want. But I do not say this to you who have ten or fifteen shillings a week and give only a penny! To see this has often grieved my spirit. I have been ashamed for you, if you have not been ashamed for yourself. Why, by the same rule that you give a penny, that poor man should give a peppercorn! … Give in proportion to your substance. You can better afford a shilling than he a penny.
to the Societies at Bristol, 1764