The world may not like our Methodists and Evangelical people, but the world cannot deny that they die well.
Lecky, England, iii, 150
In every congregation in England which I remember to have observed there was undeniably a faulty respect of persons. In our Chapel* there is a place kept for Lady Huntingdon till the Creed; if she does not come before then, any one takes it that is next, as also when she is out of town. I doubt whether this respect to her be not too great; but I yield in this point to my brother’s judgment.
We have no 5s. or 2s 6d. places at the Foundery, nor ever had, nor ever will. If any one asks me for a place in the gallery (we make no distinction but between men and women), he has it; I refuse none. And some hundreds have places there who pay nothing at all. First come also is first served, at every time of preaching. And the poorest have frequently the best places, because they come first.
Lecky, England, iii, 150
In every congregation in England which I remember to have observed there was undeniably a faulty respect of persons. In our Chapel* there is a place kept for Lady Huntingdon till the Creed; if she does not come before then, any one takes it that is next, as also when she is out of town. I doubt whether this respect to her be not too great; but I yield in this point to my brother’s judgment.
We have no 5s. or 2s 6d. places at the Foundery, nor ever had, nor ever will. If any one asks me for a place in the gallery (we make no distinction but between men and women), he has it; I refuse none. And some hundreds have places there who pay nothing at all. First come also is first served, at every time of preaching. And the poorest have frequently the best places, because they come first.
to Mrs. Hutton, 1744