How necessary for everyone to be on the right foundation! We must be justified by faith, and then go on to sanctification.
Deathbed Saying
There is no way into the holies but by the blood of Jesus.
Deathbed Saying
The longer I am absent from London, and the more I attend the Service of the Church in other places, the more I am convinced of the unspeakable advantage which the people called Methodists enjoy: I mean with regard to public worship. The Church where they assemble is not gay or splendid, which might be a hindrance on the one hand; nor sordid or dirty, which might give distaste on the other; but plain as well as clean. The persons who assemble there are not a gay, giddy crowd, who come chiefly to see and be seen; nor a company of goodly, formal outside Christians, whose religion lies in a dull round of duties; but a people most of whom do, and the rest earnestly seek to, worship God in spirit and in truth.
to a friend, 1757
Whatever enemies you have, it is enough that you have a Friend who is mightier than them all. O let Him reign in your heart alone!
Letter, 14th June, 1757