I do only one thing at a time, and I do it with all my might.
Reynolds’ Anecdotes of Wesley
Be diligent. Never be unemployed, never be triflingly employed.
Twelve Rules of a Helper
Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.
Letter, 10th December, 1777
I have frequently observed that there are two very different ranks of Christians, both of whom may be in the favor of God – a higher and a lower rank. The latter avoid all known sin, do much good, use all the means of grace, but have little of the life of God in their souls and are much conformed to the world. The former make the Bible their whole rule, and their sole aim is the will and image of God. This they steadily and uniformly pursue, through honour and dishonour, denying themselves, and taking up their cross daily; considering one point only – how may I attain most of the mind that was in Christ, and how may I please Him most?
to the Earl of Dartmouth, 1770