Today only is yours. Look up, and He will bless you all today.
Letter, 26th February, 1778
Above thirty years ago a motion was made in Parliament for raising and embodying the militia, and for exercising them (to save time) on Sunday. When the motion was like to pass, an old gentleman stood up and said: “Mr. Speaker, I have one objection to this: I believe an old book called the Bible.” The members looked at one another, and the motion was dropped.
Must not all others who believe the Bible have the very same objection? And from what I have seen, I cannot but think these are still three-fourths of the nation. … Would not all England, would not all Europe, consider this as a virtual repeal of the Bible? And would not all serious persons say: “We have little religion in the land now; but by this step we shall have less still.”
to the Earl of Shelburne, 1782