If you could take one advice, it would have a surprising effect. It is this, “Take no thought for the morrow.”
Letter, 26th February, 1778
I built the first preaching-house which was built for people called Methodists – namely, at Bristol in the year 1739. And, knowing no better, I suffered the first deed of trust to be drawn in the Presbyterian form. But Mr. Whitefield, hearing of this, wrote me a warm letter asking: “Do you consider what you do? If you let the trustees name the preachers, they may exclude you and all your brethren from preaching in the houses they have built. Pray let the deed be immediately cancelled;” to which the trustees immediately agreed.
Afterwards I built the preaching-houses in Kingswood and at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. But I took care that none but myself should have any right to name preachers for them.
to Joseph Benson, 1782