Nothing in the Christian system is of greater consequence than the doctrine of Atonement.
Letter, 7th February, 1778
If by Catholic principles you mean any other than scriptural, they weigh nothing with me. I allow no other rule, whether of faith or practice, than the Holy Scriptures; but on scriptural principles I do not think it hard to justify whatever I do. God in scripture commands me, according to my power, to instruct the ignorant, reform the wicked, confirm the virtuous. Man forbids me to do this in another’s parish; that is, in effect, to do it at all, seeing I have now no parish of my own, nor probably ever shall. Whom, then, shall I hear, God or man? …
Suffer me now to tell you my principles in this matter. I look upon all the world as my parish; this far I mean, that in whatever part of it I am I judge it meet, right and my bounden duty to declare unto all that are willing to hear, the glad tidings of salvation.
to the Rev. James Hervey, 1739