MAY 13
Expect from Him, not what you deserve, but what you want – health of soul and health of body.
Letter, 16th August, 1778
The nation is already involved in many troubles. And we know not how many more may follow. Are we able to extricate ourselves out of them all? If we have so much wisdom and strength that we need no help from man, are we quite sure that we need no help from God? I know your Lordship is not of that opinion. But if we need it, why are we ashamed to ask for it? To ask for it in the manner our forefathers did, in solemn public fasting and prayer? …
My Lord, my heart is full. Suffer me to speak; and if I speak as a fool, yet as a fool bear with me. Has your Lordship been ashamed (if every one else was) to mention this to His Majesty? Who besides your Lordship is likely to do it? Did prudence hinder you from doing it? … Now your Lordship has need of the whole armour of God … that you may answer the design of Him who hath raised you up for this very thing, and placed you so near His Majesty that he might have one counselor at least who dares not flatter but will speak the truth from his heart.
Letter to the Earl of Dartmouth, 1775