By the grace of God I never fret; I repine at nothing; I am discontented with nothing. And to have persons at my ear fretting and murmuring at everything, is like tearing the flesh off my bones.
Letter, 31st August, 1755
Carefully shun every temptation, and all opportunities of sin; especially shun as a rock the company of any person apt to tempt or to be tempted, and consider, that the coldest water will be hot if it be set near the fire.
The Duties of Husbands and Wives
If you find anything hurts you or draws your soul from God, I conjure you flee for your life! In that case, you must not stand upon ceremony; you must escape without delay.
to Lady Maxwell, 1767
Prepare your soul for temptations. For how shall we conquer if we do not fight? Go on, then, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
to John Ogilvie, 1786