This world never made anyone happy; and it is certain it never will. But God will.
Letter, 5th July, 1783
This, then, have I learned in the ends of the earth, that I am fallen short of the glory of God. …
If it be said that I have faith … so the Apostles had even at Cana of Galilee, when Jesus first manifested forth His glory; even then they, in a sort, believed on Him, but they had not then the faith that overcometh the world. The faith I want is a sure trust and confidence in God, that, through the merits of Christ, my sins are forgiven, and I reconciled to the favour of God. I want that faith which St. Paul recommends to all the world … which none can have without knowing that he hath it (though many imagine they have it, who have it not); for whosoever hath it is freed from sin, … he is freed from fear, having peace with God through Christ. … And he is freed from doubt. … The Spirit itself beareth witness with his spirit, that he is a child of God.
Journal, 29th January, 1738