A calm, even spirit goes through rough work far better than a furious one.
Journal, 23rd June, 1766
If anyone desire to know exactly what quantity of sleep his own constitution requires, he may very easily make the experiment which I made about sixty years ago; I then waked every night about twelve or one, and lay awake for some time. I readily concluded that this arose from my lying longer in bed than nature required. To be satisfied, I procured an alarum, which waked me the next morning at seven, (nearly an hour earlier than I rose the day before,) yet I lay awake again at night. The second morning I rose at six; but notwithstanding this, I lay awake the second night. The third morning I rose at five; but nevertheless I lay awake the third night. The fourth morning I rose at four, (as, by the grace of God, I have done ever since). And I lay awake no more.
Redeeming the Time