Money never stays with me: it would burn if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lest it should find a way into my heart.
Letter, 6th October, 1746
You abound in leisure; I abound in work.
to William Green, 1789
Every good purpose will cool and die away if it is not as soon as possible put in execution. Only let us not undertake too much at a time.
to Peard Dickinson, 1789
You must not give place – no, not for a day – to inactivity. Nothing is more apt to grow upon the soul; the less you speak or act for God, the less you may.
to Elizabeth Ritchie, 1774
Who would wish to live for any meaner purpose than to serve God in our generation?
to R. C. Brackenbury, 1783