God says to you as well as to me, “Do all thou canst, be it more or less, to save the souls for whom My Son has died.”
Letter, 25th March, 1774
You think the mode of baptism is necessary to salvation. I deny that even baptism itself is so; if it were, every Quaker would be damned, which I can in no wise believe. I hold nothing to be (strictly speaking) necessary to salvation but the mind which was in Christ … I wish your zeal was better employed than in persuading men to be wither dipped or sprinkled. …
I cannot answer it to God to spend any part of that precious time, every hour of which I can employ in what directly tends to the promoting of His love among men, in oppugning or defending this or that form of Church government. … I am called to other work; not to make Church of England men or Baptists, but Christians, men of faith and love.
to the Rev. Gilbert Boyce, 1750