I seek two things in this world – truth and love. Whoever assists me in this search is a friend indeed, whether known or unknown to (me).
Letter, 28th June, 1755
About four in the afternoon I set out for Frederica, in a pettiawga – a sort of flat-bottomed barge. The next evening we anchored near Skidoway Island, where the water, at flood, was twelve or fourteen foot deep. I wrapped myself up from head to foot, in a large cloak, to keep off the sand flies, and lay down on the quarter deck. Between one and two I waked under water, being so fast asleep that I did not find where I was till my mouth was full of it. Having left my cloak, I know not how, upon deck, I swam round to the other side of the pettiawga, where a boat was tied, and climbed up by the rope without any hurt, more than wetting my clothes.
Journal, 4th April, 1736