MAY 23
In this refined way of trusting to my own works and my own righteousness, I dragged on heavily, finding no comfort or help therein, till the time of my leaving England. On shipboard, however, I was again active in outward works; where it pleased God of His free mercy to give me twenty-six of the Moravian brethren for companions, who endeavoured to show me a more excellent way. But I understood it not at first. I was too learned and too wise. So that it seemed foolishness to me. And I continued preaching, and following after, and trusting in, that righteousness whereby no flesh can be justified.
All the time I was at Savannah I was thus beating the air. … I sought to establish my own righteousness; and so laboured in the fire all my days.
Journal, 24th May, 1738
Cleave to Him with your whole heart, and you will have more and more reason to praise Him.
Letter, 13th November, 1778