It is the glory of the people called Methodists that they condemn none for their opinions or modes of worship.
Letter, 3rd October, 1783
About eight in the morning, we first set foot on American ground. It was a small uninhabited island, over against Tybee. Mr. Oglethorpe led us to a rising ground, where we all kneeled down to give thanks. He then took boat for Savannah. When the rest of the people were come on shore, we called our little flock together to prayers. Several parts of the second lesson (Mark 6) were wonderfully suited to the occasion; in particular, the account of the courage and sufferings of John the Baptist; our Lord’s directions to the first preachers of His Gospel, and their toiling at sea and deliverance; with these comfortable words: “It is I, be not afraid.”
Journal, 6th February, 1736