I must declare what I find in the Book.
Journal, 2nd November, 1772
Can any man seriously think I despise learning who has ever heard of the school at Kingswood? especially if he knows with how much care and expense and labour I have kept it on foot these twenty years? Let him but read the rules of Kingswood School, and he will urge this objection no more. …
I do not depreciate learning of any kind. The knowledge of the languages is a valuable talent, so is the knowledge of the arts and sciences. Both the one and the other may be employed to the glory of God and the good of man. But yet I ask, Where hath God declared in His Word that He cannot or will not make us e of men that have it not? … You know the apostles themselves, all except St. Paul, were common, unphilosophical, unlettered men.
to Dr. Thomas Rutherford, 1768