They think and let think, and insist upon nothing but Faith working by Love.
Letter, 3rd October, 1783
Now, this it is certain a man may want – a true test and confidence of the mercy of God through our Lord Jesus Christ – although he can truly say: “I am chaste; I am sober; I am just in my dealings; I help my neighbour, and use the ordinances of God.” And, however such a man may have behaved in these respects, he is not to think well of his own state till he experiences something within himself which he has not yet experienced, but which he may be beforehand assured he shall if the promises of God are true. That something is a living faith, “sure trust and confidence in God that, by the merits of Christ, his sins are forgiven and he (is) reconciled to the favour of God”. And from this will spring many other things, which till then he experienced not, as, the love of God which passeth all understanding, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
to Dr. Stebbing, 1739