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MAY 27

The knowledge of the Three-One-God is interwoven with all true Christian faith; with all vital religion.
Sermon, LV, 7

Give me leave, my Lord, to say you have mistook and misrepresented this whole affair from the top to the bottom. And I am the more concerned to take notice of this because so many have fallen into the same mistake. It is indeed, and has been from the beginning, the capital blunder of our bitterest adversaries. … It is not our care, endeavour or desire to proselyte any from one man to another; or from one Church, from one congregation or Society, to another, – we would not move a finger to do this, to make ten thousand such proselytes, – but from darkness to light, from Belial to Christ, from the power of Satan to God. Our one aim is to proselyte sinners to repentance.
to Dr. Gibson, Bishop of London, 1747