An evil practice is the depriving the laity of the Cup in the Lord’s Supper. It is acknowledged by all that our Lord instituted and delivered this Sacrament in both kinds, giving the wine as well as the bread to all that partook of it, and that it continued to be so delivered in the Church of Rome for above a thousand years. And yet, notwithstanding this, the Church of Rome now forbids the people to drink of the Cup. A more insolent and barefaced corruption cannot be easily conceived.
Another evil practice in the Church of Rome, utterly unheard of in the ancient Church, is that when there is none to receive the Lord’s Supper, the priest communicates it alone. (Indeed, it is not properly to communicate, when only one receives it.) This likewise is an absolute innovation in the Church of God.
Popery Calmly Considered
Oh what a pearl, of how great price, is the very lowest degree of the peace of God!
Works, xii. 170