Be zealous and active for a good Master, and you will see the fruit of your labor.
Letter, 11th January, 1775
Now, in order to this, there is absolutely required, first, a right understanding of the Word of God, of His holy and acceptable and perfect Will concerning us, as it is revealed therein. For it is impossible we should walk by a rule, if we do not know what it means. There is, secondly, required (which how few have attained!) a true knowledge of ourselves, of our inward tempers and outward conversation, seeing, if we know them not, it is not possible that we should compare them with our rule. For without this, if we have any conscience at all, it can only be an evil conscience. There is, fourthly, required, an inward perception of this agreement with our rule: and this habitual perception, this inward consciousness itself, is properly a good conscience.
The Witness of the Spirit (III)