1. Our design is, with God’s assistance, to train up children in all such things as are needful for them.
2. We take them between the ages of Six and Twelve in order to teach them Reading, Writing, and Sewing; and, if it be desired, the English Grammar, Arithmetic & other Sorts of Needlework.
3. It is our particular Desire, that all who are educated here, may be brought up in the fear of God; And at the utmost distance from Vice in general, so in particular from Idleness & Effeminacy. The Children therefore of tender parents so call’d 9who are indeed offering up their Sons and their Daughters unto Devils) have no Business here: for the rules will not be broken in favour of any person whatsoever. Nor is any Child received unless her parents agree, 1. That she shall observe all the Rules of the House, & 2. That they will not take her from School, no, not a Day, till they take her for good and all.
Rules for the Girls’ School at Kingswood
Can you empty the great deep drop by drop? Then you may reform us by dissuasives from particular vices.
Works, v.15