What servants, journeymen, labourers, carpenters, bricklayers, do as they would be done by? Which of them does as much work as he can? Set him down for a knave that does not.
Who does as he would be done by, in buying and selling, particularly in selling horses? Write him knave that does not. And the Methodist knave is the worst of all knaves.
Minutes of Conversations, 1744
Be honest, not purloining, not secreting or privately keeping back anything for yourself; not taking, using, disposing or giving away the least thing belonging to your employer, without his leave, without his knowledge and consent first asked and then obtained. To do otherwise is no better then plain theft and cuts off all pretensions to honesty. Equally dishonest it is to hurt or waste anything, or to let it be lost through your carelessness or negligence.
Directions to Servants
The righteousness of Christ is necessary to entitle us to heaven, personal holiness to qualify us for it.
Works, vii. 314